Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Happy Valentine's

OK, so I know my pictures aren't the best, but these cookies are amazing! I made them for my church just a couple days ago, and people loved them! Even my husband went back for three and four tastings. 

Valentine's day is a great excuse to have and bake some delicious soft sugar cookies with a tasty icing. Make them for your favorite Valentine, co-workers or friends! These make a delicious treat, and with a little less guilt. Though we are definitely using sugar, the ingredients in this sugar cookie are better for you. So remember... Balance is key! Have a couple, and share the rest! 

Makes : About 2 dozen cookies.

* 1/2 Cup Butter, at room temperature
* 1/2 Cup Melted/Softened Coconut Oil
* 1 Cup Raw Sugar
* 3/4 Cup Brown Sugar
* 2 Eggs
* 1 Teaspoon Vanilla
* 1 Cup Original Greek Yogurt 
* 1/4 Teaspoon Almond Extract
* 3 1/2 Cups Whole Wheat Flour
* 2 Cups Almond Flour
* 2 Tablespoons Milled Flax Seeds
* 1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
* 1 1/2 Teaspoon Baking Soda

1. Using a beater, mix together the butter, coconut oil, and sugar in a large bowl. Beat until creamy. 
2. Mix in the eggs, vanilla, almond extract, and Greek yogurt until combined. 
3. Using a separate large bowl, combine the flour, milled flax seeds, baking powder, and baking soda. 
4. Little by little, add in the dry ingredients to the sugar and butter mixture, until combined. 
5. Separate the dough into 2 pieces, and refrigerate each piece in the fridge in saran wrap for 1-2 hours.
6. Once the dough has chilled, sprinkle powdered sugar on the parchment paper, and roll out the dough on it so that it won't stick to the counter and break as you try to pick them up. 
7. Cut the dough with your favorite cookie cutter. I like dipping my cutter in powdered sugar in between cuts. 
8. Slowly remove the excess dough, and place the parchment paper with the cut outs unto a baking sheet.
9. Bake at 350 degrees for about 8 minutes.
10. While the cookies bake, it's time to make the frosting! See below for ingredients and directions.

* 1/4 Cup Butter
* 2/4 Melted Coconut Oil
* 3 1/2 Cup Powdered Sugar 
(I like using Trader Joe's Organic Powdered Sugar, or make your own, it's easy! Check out my previous blog on "Delicious & Easy Pumpkin Bars" for the recipe)
* 3-4 Tablespoons Almond Milk (If you don't have almond milk, regular milk or cream works great too!)
* 1 Teaspoon Vanilla
* food coloring and/or sprinkles

1. Place all of the ingredients in a bowl and mix with a beater unitl smooth. 
2. Refrigerate until cookies have completed baking, and have cooled down.
3. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Mmm... Mmm Good Oreo Truffles

I love chocolate! These amazing little Oreo truffles are so good, and perfect for any party. They are super easy to make, and you can coat them with your favorite topping. For this particular recipe, I covered the Oreo truffles in coconut shreds. Other suggestions are crushed hazelnuts or almonds, or dip them in chocolate! 

Makes: About 24 truffles, depending on size. 

* 1/2 box of organic, whole wheat Oreo's (Yes, they are delicious!)
* 4 oz Cream Cheese
* Your favorite topping!

1. Using a food processor or blender, place the Oreo's and crush them. This can also be done my hand, but it takes a lot longer. They should look like crumbs.  
2. Place the crushed Oreo's and cream cheese in a bowl and beat with a mixer until well combined. 
3. Using a spoon, scoop out and roll with your hands, forming a ball.
4. Place your topping in a flat plate or bowl, and roll the Oreo ball over it.
5. Place in a cookie sheet, and keep refrigerated until served. They taste better after they have been refrigerated a couple of hours, or over night. 
6. Enjoy!

These are Lisa's Fit 4 Life tips! Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram for weekly tips and information. 

Changing the way we eat, one cookie at a time!