Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Easy Homemade Cinnamon Rolls

Like most of us, a good cinnamon roll is hard to come by. We settle for the store bought junk that's full of preservatives. Instead, we should be enjoying the benefits of cooking at home, both for our health and taste. If we're going to cheat on something bad...                                                        

Previous to this experience, I had never tried making cinnamon rolls because it seemed way to complicated. This recipe need's some time for the yeast to rise, but everything else is rather simple. What I have done is tried a regular cinnamon roll recipe, and simply replaced the ingredients with what I wanted. Feel free to experiment, and don't be afraid to fail! I know I've made a good cinnamon roll when my husband goes back for more, without me having to ask him. :)

Roll Ingredients

* 1 Cup Whole Wheat Flour
* 1 Cup Almond Flour
* 3/4 Cups Oat Flour 
     - Tip: If you do not have almond or oat flour, don't worry. Just use whole wheat flour, feel free to experiment with other types of flour. Also, I like to make my own oat flour, it's really simple! Just place old fashioned oats in a food processor or bullet and voila!
* 1 Tablespoon Flax Seeds (Milled or Whole) 
* 1 Tablespoon Chia Seeds (optional)
* 3 Tablespoons Brown or Raw Coconut Sugar
* 2 and 1/4 Teaspoons  Yeast (1 Package of Yeast)
* 1/2 Cup Water
* 1/4 Cup Milk (any type, try Almond milk!)
* 1 Tablespoon Butter
* 1 and 1/2 Tablespoons Coconut Oil/Butter
* 1 Large Egg


* 3 Tablespoons Softened Coconut Oil or Butter (try half of each)
* 1 and 1/2 Tablespoons GroundCinnamon (add more as needed)
* 1/4 Cup Brown or Coconut Sugar (again, try half of each)


* 1 Cup Confectioners/Powdered Sugar
      - Tip: I like Trader Joe's organic powdered sugar or making your own is easy too! See below for further instructions on this.
* 1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
* 2 Tablespoons Milk

Powdered Sugar

* 1 Cup Corn Starch
* 2 Cups Brown or Coconut Sugar
* Place both ingredients in a food processor or bullet and voila!


1. Make the dough: First set aside 1/2 Cup Wheat Flour. In a large bowl, toss the rest of the flour, sugar, flax seeds, chia seeds (optional), and yeast together until evenly dispersed.  Set aside. 

2. In a saucepan, heat the water, milk, and butter/coconut oil until melted and hot to the touch. Stir this mixture into the flour mixture. Add the egg, and gradually stir in the remaining 1/2 Cup Wheat Flour, until a soft dough is formed (all of the flour may not be necessary). The dough should pull from the sides of the bowl easily, and have an elastic consistency. 

3. Lightly flour the surface of your counter and knead the dough for about 4 minutes. Place in a lightly greased bowl (spray coconut oil/ walnut oil/ anything you'd like to use) for 10 minutes. 

4. After 10 minutes, turn your oven on at 200F degrees. Roll the dough out into a rectangular shape and spread the softened coconut oil (or butter) on top. Mix together the cinnamon and brown sugar and sprinkle it over the dough. Use more as needed or desired. Roll up the dough, nice and tight and cut into about 12 pieces. Place the pieces in a round greased pan (again I like to use spray coconut oil), and loosely cover with foil. Place the rolls in the 200F degrees oven for 60 minutes until they rise and double in size. 

5. After 60 minutes, and after they have doubled in size, preheat the oven to 375F degrees. Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown. I like mine nice and soft, if you want them less gooey, keep in the over for 30 minutes.

6. While the rolls are in the oven, make the glaze. Mix the powered sugar, vanilla, and milk together until smooth and drizzle over rolls once they are done. 

*Tip: Rolls are best when served immediately. However, can be stored in the fridge for a day or two. Warm them up again in the microwave for fresh flavor. 

* Also, for the picture shown above, I only made half of the recipe. This recipe will make up to 12 cinnamon rolls. 


These are Lisa's Fit 4 Life tips, follow me on Twitter & Facebook under "Fit 4 Life" or simply under my name "Lisa Clepper."

"Changing the way we eat, one cookie at a time!"

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