Monday, December 9, 2013

The Proof is in the Pudding

As I promised, here is my blog on how my sister, Kareliz Nelson, lost weight while living with me for nine months. 

My sister was a high school athlete with poor eating habits. After graduating, the stresses of college and her inconsistent lifestyle quickly caught up with her, gaining 70 pounds over the course of five years; weighing her highest at 205 pounds. Through a series of events, she decided to move in with me, in order to get her lifestyle healthy and consistent. Kareliz submerged herself in my workout routines, and eating patterns. I was able to create a plan for her that rebooted her system, which then made her body crave clean food. Besides changing eating patterns, and habits; my sister and I worked out a minimum of three times a week with my Kick it! program (a mix of Latin dance, kickboxing, and light-weight training), as well as running. Every week, Kareliz was losing weight and inches off her body. Three months later, she reached her lowest weight in three years at 185 pounds! More importantly, she went down four pant sizes. 

                                 Left- May 2012     
                                 Middle- December 2012  
                                 Right- October 2013

Through Lisa's positive reinforcement and guidance, I was able to change my patterns for life. Now, in another state, I still implement what I learned through Fit 4 Life and have been able to lose more weight on my own and enjoy working out again. 
- Kareliz Nelson

Having a good, consistent eating pattern does not mean that you can't eat the things you love. At times, it may take some sacrifices, however, I'd first encourage you to start cutting one thing and replacing another one from your daily eating habits. For example, cut out soda from your diet, and replace it with a sparkling flavored soda (it tastes just like Sprite!). Drink soda as a treat on the weekends, and see how that itself begins to change your whole lifestyle. Another recommendation I have is to begin changing your white carbs for whole wheat. This is a relatively easy change, but effective. White carbs in bread, rice or pasta are the same thing as whole wheat/grain in bread, brown rice, and whole wheat pasta but without the nutrients. So you're eating the same things, but cheating yourself of nutrients. Remember that it's about changing patterns for life, not just a diet. Small changes today can begin to make an impact on the rest of your life! 

These are Lisa's Fit 4 Life tips, follow me on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram under "Fit 4 Life," "Lisa Clepper," or "LISASFFL."

"Changing the way we eat, one cookie at a time!"

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